Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 85: September 5, 2012- Little Man in Big People Land

Little Man Explores Big People Land.
So Luke said hi to me today from the iphone. In the form of this picture.

I don't know how he did it.

But you're a resourceful fellow, you sly guy.

And Mom made this one for Daddy:

Luke and Dad are in the big bed on a weekend morning. We love weekends, because we can be together. Daddy loves the bed a little more than Luke does.

The Readings:

Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25, Luke 7:11-35, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 11:29-31

Old Testament.
Probably good before Moses dies for him to give the Israelites a run down on what God has been saying to them. Not sure they're going to remember.

But this one's about the ten commandments, so that's cool.

He finishes with the final, the most important thought: fear the Lord. And then he instructs them to tell the story of what the Lord has done when their children ask why they should.

Cultivating a healthy fear of the Lord is deciding what he says matters most and putting him on the throne of one's heart, even over oneself. There are reasons to fear him. But I kindof think the fear of the Lord is the deepest of loves yet...

New Testament.
Man, how cool is it that Jesus just has compassion on a mother when her son is being carried by, so he heals her. I pray we do that now. God give us faith!

And Jesus has a pretty poetic answer for John the Baptist's followers when they come looking for him. I always wondered how John got the message from a somewhat cryptic answer. But the miracles pretty much speak for themselves.

Finally, why do we require people to jump through our hoops in the church? John got criticized for living strictly, fasting and abstaining from wine, and was accused of having a demon. Jesus lived in freedom, ate and drank wine, and was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard.

But here's the key for a church that often reacts hastily over living rightly in Christ-- wisdom is proved right by her children.

Grow the tree of our spiritual lives deep in the roots of God's Word and a relationship with him, and he'll give us the wisdom of how to be free and how to be strict, and at what times. And "a good tree bears good fruit." So wisdom, if we have it, will show the fruit of righteousness. And when we look at the fruit we are producing, we will see the state of our tree clearly, our lives, whether good or bad.

Jesus is pointing to this in his analogy of wisdom being proved by her children. So let's grow a tree in wisdom, with the love of God, the Word, and the Holy Spirit! It may not sway to the tune of whichever prevailing wind presses upon it, but it will be rich with fruit in Christ Jesus.

There's power and majesty in God. Awesome is he!!

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..."

Oh, God, you know what you're doing.

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