You see, there's this blanket that needs kicking...
I guess we'll have to get back to you soon.
The Readings:
Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18
Old Testament.
God leaves the head or the tail, the top or the bottom, blessings or curses, before his people today. If we only choose to obey and follow him, we will receive the best of everything. But if we don' will be our enemies'.
And the itch. Anything called the itch has gotta be bad.
New Testament.
Satan is the strong man. Jesus is the man stronger than him who removes him. All we need is Jesus as our bodyguard.
That's pretty much it.
When you cry out to God for help. When you wonder if the Lord will deliver you. Remember his ways, the Lord's, are holy. He leads us like a flock by the hand of Moses.
Your tongue can be a sword or it can bring healing. Which would you choose?
The distinction, reckless or wise, is determined by the result.
Daddy Slips Bathtime Under the Covers and Tucks It Away.
When you're ready for bed and need comforting, when you're slipping after bathtime and need to be nestled in your cradle, I'll tuck you in.
It's kindof a cool thought. Like the bathtime sprig on top of your head. It'll dry.
And in the meantime, Daddy will hold you in his arms.
A kid, and a dad, couldn't ask for more than that.
The Readings:
Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26, Luke 10:38-11:13, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 12:15-17
Old Testament.
How sad it is reading of God calling his people to whole-heartedly obey him. He asks it again and again. He commands. He inspires. He warns.
And nothing he says will change what comes next in the story: that they deny him. I know, I know. Spoiler alert.
But it makes me think. Will we do the same? Are we?
He so loves us. Like a Lover in Song of Songs who is jealous for his beloved. Like a Father in the beginning who wants to walk with his kids.
There is no greater purpose than to love him back.
New Testament.
Mary made the better choice, and it will not be taken from her. I'm sensing a theme. She chooses to sit at Jesus' feet and is blessed for it.
I wonder how much of our day is spent preparing the meal and how much sitting at Jesus' feet. Seems like a good evening to just love God.
Great is God! Glorious and majestic! More than the mountains. No wonder you are greatly feared.
Fools think their way is right.
The wise listen to others. And they deflect the insults of fools when they encounter them, remaining calm.
But I can never root for you to get what you want if you look this stinkin' adorable when you don't.
I will remain conflicted and allow you to entertain the laws of gravity with that lower lip.
The Readings:
Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19, Luke 10:13-37, Psalm 75:1-10, Proverbs 12:12-14
Old Testament.
As I read through so many laws from God, I think, "How awesome it is that God cares so much to protect us." It makes me feel comforted that God desires order and loves righteousness, and that he points to us the way.
New Testament.
God hides these things from those who think they are wise and clever, but reveals them to the childlike. I want to always be childlike before God. Always sit in his presence, like in Daddy's. Always learn from his Word. Is there any better life, in the love of our God?
You know, the time will come when God will judge the wicked. The time will come when we are saved. The time will come.
But I will rejoice in the Lord, my God, in the meantime. Who is there like you? What is there that can compare to you?
The godly escape trouble because of their wise words. The wicked are trapped by theirs.
Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30, Luke 9:51-10:12, Psalm 74:1-23, Proverbs 12:11
Old Testament.
Hmm. Dealing with a rebellious son. They get to kill him. Not sure if I'm going to bring that up in a blog about how much I love my son. Will get back to you in 10-15.
New Testament.
An interesting read. Herein, people's rejection of Jesus and followers' refusal to give all the loyalty he requires, juxtaposed with him sending out his faithful disciples. Some are willing to join the mission and follow whole-heartedly; others aren't.
Do we realize the true cost of discipleship?
We can't remain secular Christians and follow Christ. Oh sure, we can say we are Christians. But if Christ were here, he'd have none of it. Something about, "Let the dead bury their own dead," or "Foxes have holes but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
Meaning, our Crystal Lite version of Christianity that puts ourselves, our whims, and our buffet style, salad bar doctrine over following Christ and what he says completely might just be enough for him to say, "No, thanks. Christ ain't got no bed. You won't be comfortable in the stable. (points) You others go out two by two."
/dust shaken. Minus the ebonics.
Asaph, he ain't foolin'. (Fist/chest pound twice.)
When God seems to have slowed on the miracles and you're wondering where he is, know that Asaph went through the same thing.
This is an encouragement to all of us who've been down-hearted now and then. Nothing wrong with pleading with God.
True dat. (Sideways peace sign, yo.)
Ah, alas, the verse about "he who chases fantasies..." I guess if there's a time when I have to come down to earth it's now. Hard work trumps all. Hard work on fantasies? ...head asplode.
I'm going to start a garden. No one can argue that farming is not hard work.
(In reality, I just wanted to say true dat and alas in the same post. Carry on, Christian soldja.)
It wasn't too long ago. Mom and Dad were dating, curled up around a laptop, listening to marriage podcasts, flipping through marriage books, dreaming about the future.
And then the day came.
They gave their lives to each other. One year ago.
They had their time away as a married couple to grow their relationship strong.
Then three days later, I arrived!
All one family. Now curled up in a bedroom together, rain blasting from a noise maker that covers us in a soothing downpour of love.
It all began at the beginning. And this time, that's the way it should be.
The Readings:
Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20, Luke 9:7-27, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 12:8-9
So Luke said hi to me today from the iphone. In the form of this picture.
I don't know how he did it.
But you're a resourceful fellow, you sly guy.
And Mom made this one for Daddy:
Luke and Dad are in the big bed on a weekend morning. We love weekends, because we can be together. Daddy loves the bed a little more than Luke does.
The Readings:
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25, Luke 7:11-35, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 11:29-31
Old Testament.
Probably good before Moses dies for him to give the Israelites a run down on what God has been saying to them. Not sure they're going to remember.
But this one's about the ten commandments, so that's cool.
He finishes with the final, the most important thought: fear the Lord. And then he instructs them to tell the story of what the Lord has done when their children ask why they should.
Cultivating a healthy fear of the Lord is deciding what he says matters most and putting him on the throne of one's heart, even over oneself. There are reasons to fear him. But I kindof think the fear of the Lord is the deepest of loves yet...
New Testament.
Man, how cool is it that Jesus just has compassion on a mother when her son is being carried by, so he heals her. I pray we do that now. God give us faith!
And Jesus has a pretty poetic answer for John the Baptist's followers when they come looking for him. I always wondered how John got the message from a somewhat cryptic answer. But the miracles pretty much speak for themselves.
Finally, why do we require people to jump through our hoops in the church? John got criticized for living strictly, fasting and abstaining from wine, and was accused of having a demon. Jesus lived in freedom, ate and drank wine, and was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard.
But here's the key for a church that often reacts hastily over living rightly in Christ-- wisdom is proved right by her children.
Grow the tree of our spiritual lives deep in the roots of God's Word and a relationship with him, and he'll give us the wisdom of how to be free and how to be strict, and at what times. And "a good tree bears good fruit." So wisdom, if we have it, will show the fruit of righteousness. And when we look at the fruit we are producing, we will see the state of our tree clearly, our lives, whether good or bad.
Jesus is pointing to this in his analogy of wisdom being proved by her children. So let's grow a tree in wisdom, with the love of God, the Word, and the Holy Spirit! It may not sway to the tune of whichever prevailing wind presses upon it, but it will be rich with fruit in Christ Jesus.
There's power and majesty in God. Awesome is he!!
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..."