Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 12: June 24, 2012- Jesus, "The Man"

(Update: Every Sunday I intend to do a video podcast of the reading, in addition to the audio podcast and read-along verses. Just a little something to let you check in on the little guy. Unfortunately, for some reason today my audio player wasn't working, so the video podcast is all you get. But of course you can minimize that ugly mug and his little scrumption and listen and read along if you prefer!)

Moment of the Day:

They used to do it in the Old Testament. Abraham migrated with his wife and concubines and sons and daughters in tents from place to place. They did it in the New Testament. The people went from house to house sharing the Word of God and breaking bread together.

And we did it today.

There's something really special about roving bands of families coming to one place to spend a day together. My brother Doy would call it specialicious.

Something about the whines and cries that dot Sunday afternoon conversation filled with laughter, smiles, and the echoing voices of friends.

Little play mats and car seats around the room. A baby rocked in the corner. Another drooling over the carpet as her carrier engages in a story from the week.

There's something special about family. Something specialicious.

This was the first day I got to pack my roving band into our roving vehicle and carry them around the corner to this hullabaloo. Our greeting at the door was wide smiles and kisses. We were brought into a room of sweet smells and close friends.

And in a long (and growing longer) row of car seats, I nestled his onto the end.

It felt good to scoot the others aside to make room for one more.

We ate. We laughed. We smiled. A few of us whined and cried.

Time stopped as we shared stories from the week, made new ones for the next. Once again one band, we belonged together. The light rains fell from the sky outside, quietly reminding us a pitter-pattering world would wait.

And inside, a family somewhat bigger than before carried right along with life.

They say the church is one body. They say it's a family. That real love is found there. A place of smiles and friendship and warm, welcoming eyes.

After a day like today, I think I know what they mean.

And I believe them.

A small band of friends became a big band of family. And the most natural of things was right there inside.

It's something worth welcoming a little one into. It's something for much older ones too.

It's a thing that makes people's hearts a little lighter and makes their dreams a little more true.

Love was waiting inside.

Perhaps this is what heaven's like.

Perhaps it's like coming home.


But wait, there's more! The readings:

Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10

Jacob with the steal, dribbles, and a slam dunk! Today, Jacob successfully swindles what is rightfully his anyway because of his brother's thoughtlessness: the blessing. Jacob is one interesting character. He's always getting what he wants by trickery. But God is always behind it. You can imagine Jacob pretending to be Esau to his blind father would be one interesting scene to watch. And it's something God chose ahead.
Remember, he told Rebekah when the two were still in her womb, "The older will serve the younger." God knew who the two would become, who would honor him, and, unquestionably, he knew how that trickster Jacob would play this out. And he blessed it. Praise God for a God who has a bit of a rebel streak to not be afraid to overturn a few tables to make sure that right wins.

Jesus acts with authority. When it's questioned, bam! He backs it up. How fun would it have been to be there when Jesus told the paralytic his sins were forgiven, he was called out, and in front of everyone he told the man to get up, and he stood up and walked out?? If you think you have a wimpy God and a lame religion, you better check this out again. Jesus stands up for righteousness, and he's bold, man of God. He puts attackers in their place. But he does so just by being strong as a Man. He never loses his love and righteousness.

David is so grateful. You know those mornings you wake up, thinking something you thought in your sleep was a dream and wake up to find that it's true? That's today. David wakes up to find that God is, indeed, King, Lord of all, and that he is, indeed, good, a healer, and a defender and freer of the oppressed. And David is safe. You can sleep easy tonight, because your dreams about God are true!

And today, so few people give money to God. To their churches, to worldwide missions, to local Christian organizations that serve the church and provide for the world. We are so afraid we can't provide for ourselves, so concerned about getting and keeping what we can. But God says give it away. Give it to him, and our barns will be overflowing with abundance. Where do good things come from? From him. And he set up the principle that if we give freely and joyfully to him, he will richly give to us. This is true, and once again, what is right and good blows away the world's mindsets.
Let's be found on the side that radically, faithfully follows our God and lets the adventure we're swept up in become as big as he is.

Nothing else will be like it!

The Video Reading:

Read along:,%20Matthew%209:1-17,%20Psalm%2010:16-18,%20Proverbs%203:9-10&version=NIV

1 comment:

  1. It's great to truly be a family together; acting like a family and making room for another!! It's great to see the family growing together!!
