And maybe together we'll find faith like one a little easier.
This one's a couple days old, but sooo adorable (I hate people who draw out words). Luke meets his cousins, Sky and Lucy, on the play mat, and surprise, he actually looks like he knows what's going on! Or like he's trying to figure out what's going on.
Or like he's staring off into space in the direction that Sky happens to occupy.
But anyway, it's really cute, and you really should see it!
So see it (By the way, you've gotta see the little tussle at the end of the video- stick around to the end!):
Look at that Face.
Featuring, the face of the day:
Wha does cute mean?
Cute means 24 days old and lovin' that hair-do, Lukey.
Look at that Face, Part 2.
The close runner-up:
I think it's time for me to be put down
Or changed, buddy. And I'm goin' with number 2.
Stay tuned, more pics to come!
And even more content today, so stick around, cuz it's...
In case you don't know, if you scroll down past the interesting, insightful comments on the readings below (four readings, four sets of comments), you will actually find something surprising. The readings.
That's right. You can listen in just fifteen minutes or so while brushing your teeth (you need fifteen minutes) or eating breakfast, and it'll keep you focused on the way to go, with a few extra notes so simple a child could get it (my child, anyway).
I hope you consider joining us for this year. Fifteen minutes a day and you'll have read the Bible, even if you've only been listening. You can read along in a new window through the link below, while I read, or you can just listen and reflect.
Also, these podcasts should be able to be downloaded to an mp3 player for listening on the go. Let me know if you can't get that to work and I'll look into it for you.
Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27
Israel gives the blessings before he dies. As the backwards sort of guy he is, he blesses Joseph's second son over his first. One has to wonder if this is God's foresight into their futures or Jacob doing what he does best: stirring things up. Remember, he was the second-born who stole the blessing from the first. So it's almost fitting that he'd pass along the blessing to the second. What way to go out. Not that Joseph has to be happy about it.
Anyway, it's lights out on this chapter of God's epic love story with mankind and on to the next. One would think after a seven year famine that leaves the land in servitude and barely saves the family, the worst is behind them. Unfortunately, they've got another thing coming. Stay tuned to tomorrow. If you thought Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were epic, wait til you meet this guy God flushes out of the reeds.
Jesus points out the Pharisees' hypocrisy. Possibly more importantly, he tells them to beware of the sly teachings that will sneak into the church. There are reasons in later books Paul tells Christians not to even eat with certain Christians; there is a danger their hypocrisy or theology will seep into the church. We have not done a good job of that. At times the church doesn't look too different than the world, and even when it is, it isn't always following God's Word. So let's get out the flour and keep it away from that nasty yeast!
And whose gonna come to save you? In whose arm do you trust? The Lord. Let's believe God is a victorious conquerer God, riding in like a general before all his troops. He has won and we can trust him.
And after a reading like yesterday, which really freaked those of us out that are afraid of the dark, it's nice to have one like today. It tells you where to walk. Not to the left. Not to the right. Straight ahead. Guard your heart and fix your eyes forward and you won't lose your way. Wisdom keeps us not only away from those who do evil and could make us slip up, but it keeps us ON the path of righteousness. That's right, we're actually going somewhere.
And if you get scared, you can keep a nightlight on.
Read along if you like:,%20Matthew%2015:29-16:12,%20Psalm%2020:1-9,%20Proverbs%204:20-27&version=NKJV
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